desperate situation

美 [ˈdespərət ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃn]英 [ˈdespərət ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃn]
  • 危急的形势
desperate situationdesperate situation
  1. This is a desperate situation which requires a truly radical solution .


  2. I share your concern about what is rapidly becoming a desperate situation .


  3. To you only that I am in a desperate situation and need urgent help .


  4. Invoke help , assistance , etc in a desperate situation .


  5. The doctor was in a desperate situation .


  6. They invoked help in the desperate situation .


  7. Everyone is in a desperate situation .


  8. Certainly , recent escapees from North Korea describe a desperate situation inside the country .


  9. The clinging hand of His child makes a desperate situation a delight to Him .


  10. Ah , don 't you understand the reason of be unexpected rescued from a desperate situation ?


  11. During a very desperate situation in the Civil War , Lincoln called a meeting of some Generals .


  12. Under our powerful siege , the enemies were powerless to save the desperate situation .


  13. The desperate situation of the planet is slowly waking people up to the necessity for transformation on a global scale .


  14. The report limned a desperate situation .


  15. The orders were to retreat only in a desperate situation and then in an orderly well-planned way .


  16. Once we understand all these contradictions , we shall see in what a desperate situation , in what a chaotic state , China finds herself .


  17. As a result , we can clearly see under the heavy burden and in this desperate situation , how people manage to bear and survive .


  18. But it is the Depression , and there 's this sense that everybody all of America has been forced into this desperate situation .


  19. Marius had risen to his feet behind them , and was following them with his eyes , as was fitting in the desperate situation of his soul .


  20. But I am not reduced to the desperate situation in which I should have to say that I believe God exists , but have no notion at all of what He is .


  21. There 's also a USS Navy ship from the U.S. Seventh Fleet trying to lend their hand as well . A desperate situation as the search continues for those who are still missing .


  22. With resistance to once effective antimalarials like chloroquine now widespread in asia , Africa and South america , the prognosis could not seem more grim . " we 're in a desperate situation . "


  23. The Fontaines had fared best of any , thanks to Sally 's hard ride , but it was flourishing only by comparison with the desperate situation of the other neighbors .


  24. Seeing a desperate situation unfold , the Qing government brought an unwilling Yuan Shikai back to military power , taking control of his Beiyang Army , with the initial goal of crushing the revolutionaries .


  25. The day after our conversation , the Ukrainian government responded to this desperate situation by launching an offensive to retake buildings and territory in the east of the country that had fallen under the control of pro-Russian separatists .


  26. But to RCC here , owing to many problems such as insufficient capital , indefinite property rights , heavy stock of ill-capital , inefficient administrative system , poor operational situation and abominable development environment outside , RCC has fallen into a desperate situation .


  27. The young man asked Socrates with puzzle why he did that , Socrates replied : " I just want to tell you whatever you do , do it with a determination to be unexpectedly rescued from a desperate situation . Only like that can you make a genuine achievement . "


  28. Many of the children are in a desperate financial situation .


  29. " Relief is needed for the desperate humanitarian situation in Gaza ," he said .


  30. The second year of the North China famine coincided with a desperate world situation for the United Nations .
